JFA 2019 Member Survey: Presentation and Drinks
We're currently finalising our 2019 JFA Members Survey, which was launched last month. The results are now largely in and are already providing valuable feedback as to the position of the Jersey funds market.
To mark the completion of the survey, as well as the end of a highly successful year for Jersey's funds industry, we're holding a drinks event from 6.30 - 8.30 at the Jersey Museum on Thursday 28 November. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to enquiries@jerseyfunds.org.
In addition, if member firms would like to attend a presentation of the survey findings by members of the JFA committee, this will be held just before the drinks at 4pm on Thursday 28 November. Places will initially be allocated on a one place per firm basis – please contact enquiries@jerseyfunds.org for more information.